Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Protect our students... Protect ourselves...

维护学生档案的机密性是每个人的责任,无论你是教师, staff or student. WHY?

  • Because it′s the right thing to do

  • Because the Federal Government requires us to do so

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 是否有联邦法律规定(a)必须制定书面的院校政策,以及(b)必须提供涵盖学生隐私权的采用程序声明. 法律规定,学校将对学生的教育记录保密.

Rhodes College accords all the rights under the law to enrolled students. 机构以外的任何人不得接触或披露, 未经学生书面同意,不得透露任何有关学生教育记录的资料,惟校方人员除外, to officials of other institutions in which students seek to enroll, to persons or organizations providing students financial aid, to agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with a judicial order, 以及在紧急情况下,为保障学生或其他人的健康或安全而提供的服务. All these exceptions are permitted under the Act. Only those members of the College community, individually or collectively, 为了学生的教育利益,允许查阅学生的教育记录. 这些成员包括工作人员(包括学生工作者)和学生发展和学术服务办公室的专业人员, Financial Aid, Institutional Research, 以及由教务长确定的具有合法教育利益的学院官员.

机构可根据本法规定酌情提供目录信息,包括名称, parents′ names, campus and home addresses and telephone numbers, campus e-mail address, dates of attendance, year of graduation, degrees and honors awarded or expected, academic major, and faculty advisor. 学生可以保留目录信息,书面通知注册主任至少60天上课的第一天为秋季学期. 除非学生以书面形式撤销,否则学院将尊重保密要求. The request for non-disclosure, unless rescinded, remains in effect even after the student leaves the College.

法律规定学生有权检查和审查其教育记录中包含的信息, to challenge the contents of their education records, to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory, 如果听证小组的决定不能接受,应提交解释性说明,以便纳入其档案. 365betapp下载学院的注册主任由学院指定,负责协调学生教育记录的检查和审查程序, which include admissions, personal, academic, and financial files, and academic and placement records. 希望查看其教育记录的学生必须向注册主任提出书面请求,列出感兴趣的项目. 只有该法案所涵盖的记录将在请求后45天内提供. Students may have copies made of their records with certain exceptions, (e.g., a copy of the academic record for which a financial "hold" exists, or a transcript of an original or source document which exists elsewhere). Education records do not include records of instructional, supervisory, administrative, 和教育人员,这是唯一拥有的制造商,不能接触或透露给任何个人,除非临时替代. Other records not included are those of the Campus Safety department, student health records, employment records (except those records of student workers), or alumni records. Health records, however, may be reviewed by physicians of the students′ choosing.

Students may not inspect and review the following as outlined by the Act: financial information submitted by their parents; confidential letters and recommendations associated with admission to the College. Employment or job placement, or honors to which they have waived their rights of inspection and review; or education records containing information about more than one student, 在这种情况下,学校将只允许查阅与查询学生有关的那部分记录. 在1月1日之前,学校不要求允许学生检查和审查他们档案中的机密信件和推荐信, 1975, 只要这些信件是根据既定的保密政策收集的,并且只用于收集信件的目的.

认为自己的教育记录包含不准确或误导性信息的学生, or is otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights, may discuss their problems informally with the Registrar. If the decisions of the Registrar are in agreement with the students′ requests, the appropriate records will be amended. If not, the students will be notified within a reasonable period of time that the records will not be amended; and they will be informed of their right to a formal hearing. 学生要求举行正式听证会必须以书面形式向教务处提出, within a reasonable period of time after receiving such requests, will inform students of the date, place, and the time of the hearings. 学生可以提出与提出的问题相关的证据,并可以由一个或多个他们选择的人协助或代表他们出席听证会, including attorneys, at the students′ expense. 审理这些挑战的听证小组将是教员标准和常务委员会.

Decisions of the hearing panel will be final, will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, 将包括书面陈述,总结证据并说明决定的原因, and will be delivered to all parties concerned. 教育记录将根据听证小组的决定予以更正或修改, if the decisions are in favor of the students. 如果学生对决定不满意,学生可以在教育记录声明中对记录中的信息进行评论, 或陈述不同意聆讯小组决定的理由. The statements will be placed in the education records, maintained as part of the students′ records, and released whenever the records in question are disclosed.

认为对他们的挑战的裁决不公平或不符合法案规定的学生可以提出要求, in writing, 该机构的总裁协助他们向家庭教育权利和隐私法案办公室(FERPA)提出投诉。, Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20201.

本政策的修订和澄清将根据法律和机构政策的经验予以公布. Annual notice of compliance with the Act is published in the College Bulletin.